Psoriasis of the foot is a common problem. It can occur due to hormonal disorders, weakening of the immune system and other reasons. It can be cured with the help of medicines, prescriptions of traditional medicine and physiotherapy procedures.

Causes and risk factors for psoriasis of the foot
Psoriasis of the foot is a pathology, the cause of which doctors can not identify. However, potential provocative factors include:
- Inheritance. The disease can be inherited (from parents to children).
- Disorders in the work of the central nervous system. Frequent stress leads to disruption of many processes in the body. In many patients, such rashes appear just after stressful situations.
- Hormonal disorders in the body. Disorders in the endocrine system lead to metabolic disorders, which is a provocative factor for the overproduction of skin cells.
- Weakened immunity. Psoriasis develops against the background of infectious diseases. The risk group includes patients who often suffer from viral infections and suffer from respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tonsillitis).
- Mechanical skin injury.
- Climate change.
- Frequent use of some medications.
- Abuse of hygiene products that lead to the destruction of beneficial microorganisms in the skin.
- Use of chemicals.
- Eating foods that contain food additives, alcohol.

Classification and symptoms of foot psoriasis
There are several types of disease, each of which has its own symptoms:
- Common (spotty, vulgar). The most common type of psoriasis, which affects almost 90 percent of all patients. It appears as a rash in the form of red spots, which quickly spread to the feet. Small plaques, 3-4 cm in diameter, in the absence of treatment, can coalesce and create large areas of redness. It is accompanied by severe itching, bleeding can occur when itching. Knee rash occurs with exactly such symptoms.
- Exudative (pustular). This type is rare and appears in a more severe form. Repeated relapses are possible. Complex healing therapy requires a lot of time. Pustular rashes with a clear fluid often bleed while the patient's skin is constantly hot. This type is observed in the feet and legs.
- In the form of points (points). Not very common. It is characterized by clear bursts of red or bright red color, resembling a dot. Basically, the provoking factor in the emergence of this species are streptococcal bacteria. The rash is localized on the knees.
- Conversely. During the disease, pale pink spots appear, smooth to the touch. There is no skin, but sometimes a slight peeling of the skin can be noticed. The spots do not rise above the surface of the skin, they are concentrated on the inside of the thigh.
- Psoriatic onychodystrophy (nail psoriasis). From the name it is clear that the disease affects the nail bed and the skin around it. Spotted depressions appear on the nails, in which the color of the nail plate changes (turns yellow or becomes white). Stains appear on them, they become brittle. Sometimes blood flows under the nails. There is detachment of the nail from the soft tissues - onycholysis. Then the wounds appear.
- Psoriatic erythroderma. It is characterized by redness, peeling of the skin, unbearable itching, swelling and swelling of the lymph nodes. Erythroderma has a wide range of lesions - from the groin area to the legs.
- Psoriasis of the feet. This type of disease gives the patient a lot of trouble. During the walk, wounds and cracks appear, which constantly bleed and hinder walking. The blisters are located on the heels, around the nails, on the toe pads and between them. Constant rubbing causes irritation with severe itching and scratching, which can lead to fungal infections. To some extent, sweat contributes to the development of rashes on the legs. Sweat is an excellent breeding ground for pathogens that cause inflammation.
- Psoriatic arthritis (psoriasis of the joints). This type develops not only in the epidermis, but also in the joints. Psoriasis affects the knees and toes. The main symptom of the development of arthritis in the foot is the bending of the joints and changes in their size. As a result, the joints and limbs are disturbed (a small bone appears near the finger). The skin in this place stretches and becomes burgundy in color, swelling is observed.

Drug therapy for psoriasis
Treatment for psoriasis depends on the rate of development of the disease.
- Light weight. For the treatment of a disease of this mild degree is used local therapy (ointments, creams, gels). Salicylic and zinc ointments show good results. To achieve high treatment results, complex therapy is used, which includes drugs with hormonal components and vitamins. They use drugs that contain a medicinal substance - dithranol.
- Average. For the treatment of this stage of the disease, all methods of treatment are important to eliminate all the symptoms of the disease. Along with drug therapy, laser treatment, light therapy, as well as plasmapheresis (removal of toxic substances from the blood) and cryotherapy (cold treatment) are used. In case of complications, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed: hydrocortisone, cortisone.
- Heavy. This degree is the most difficult and requires treatment with all the tools and methods that alleviate the symptoms of foot psoriasis. In these cases, drugs that suppress the immune response, antihistamines and antibiotics are prescribed.
Physiotherapy for psoriasis
Physiotherapy effectively complements the drug treatment of psoriasis. In medical practice, there are several methods of physiotherapy procedures:
- Light therapy for the feet. Ultraviolet radiation is the most effective treatment for psoriasis. The method involves exposure to ultraviolet rays in a medical institution. No side effects were found, it does not affect the body. After light therapy, the plaques shrink and in 80% of cases the patient recovers completely.
- Cryotherapy. The method is based on cold treatment. The course can last from one to six months. With foot psoriasis, a local procedure is prescribed, when the cold is addressed only to certain lesions. These sessions reduce itching, inflammation, promote tissue repair, and slow down the formation of new scales.
- UV blood count (plasmapheresis). This method in medicine is relatively new, its distinguishing feature is the rapid result of treatment. The essence of the procedure is that a tube is inserted into a vein through which blood flows into a vessel placed in a special device. There, the blood is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and then returned. The procedure is performed with complete sterility.
- Puva therapy. The treatment method is prescribed for patients with severe forms of psoriasis. It is based on the use of psoralens - substances that increase the sensitivity of cells to ultraviolet radiation. The method is very effective, after 25 sessions, the numerous rashes almost disappear.

Traditional medicine recipes for psoriasis
- Many patients use traditional medicine to treat the disease. They can be tinctures, baths, lotions, decoctions. Various herbs are used to cleanse the skin, such as calendula, chamomile, celandine. They are able to relieve inflammation and burning sensation.
- Meat juices. For the soup you should use a series (2 tablespoons), celandine (1 tablespoon), licorice root (2 tablespoons) and oregano (1 tablespoon). All herbs are mixed and injected for 20 minutes. The juice is taken by mouth for half a glass 2 times a day. This medicine is effective for mild psoriasis.
- Pomadat. There are many popular recipes for preparing oil based on birch tar.
- Mix birch tar (50 ml) with olive oil (50 ml). Apply the resulting ointment on sore skin, preferably before bedtime, wrap in gauze. Rinse with warm water in the morning.
- Birch tar (30 ml), castor oil (30 ml), honey (60 grams) and 2 chicken eggs. Mix all ingredients and leave in a cool place for 2 days. Apply the ready mixture every day for a month.
- Banjat. Traditional medicine offers the treatment of foot diseases, using celandine-based baths. Celandine contributes not only to the elimination of rashes, but also eliminates the causes of the appearance of the disease. The plant is poured boiling water and injected for an hour. Drain the infusion and add to the foot bath. Bath time is no more than 15 minutes.
- Compresses. Also, with psoriasis of the feet, potato compresses will help. To prepare such a compress, you need to grind the potatoes and place the prepared composition on the stand, wrapping it with cling film. The duration of the compress is not more than three hours.

Diet plays an important role in psoriasis. During severe inflammation, it is necessary to adhere to certain dietary rules. Do not eat smoked, salty and fatty foods. Sweets, citrus fruits and dairy products are also contraindicated in case of illness. Drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden.
Complications and consequences
Any disease, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications. Psoriasis of the feet can lead to the following consequences:
- the appearance of pain while walking;
- common psoriasis may develop in the erythroderma;
- the appearance of other infections;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- decrease in the protective functions of the epidermis;
- violation of skin thermoregulation.
Prevention of foot psoriasis
If you follow all the preventive measures, then the disease of psoriasis can be prevented. Preventive recommendations:
- treat feet with antibacterial and nutritional preparations;
- treat toenails to avoid fungal infection;
- solar treatments;
- when wearing closed shoes, you should ventilate the feet;
- frequent physical activity.
The main rule in preventing any disease is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle.